Gesetze und
Materialien zum Geistigen Eigentum
Europarat -Recommendations, Declarations of the
Committee of ministers und Resolutions of the Committee of ministers
Rec (2002) 7 on measures to enhance
the protection of the neighbouring rights of broadcasting organisations
Rec (2002) 2 on access to official
Rec (2001) 8 on self-regulation
concerning cyber content
Rec (2001) 7 on measures to protect
copyright and neighbouring rights and combat piracy, especially in the
digital environment
Rec (2000) 23 on the independence
and functions of regulatory authorities for the broadcasting sector
Rec (2000) 7 on the right of
journalists not to disclose their sources of information
Rec (99) 15 on measures concerning
media coverage of election campaigns
Rec (99) 14 on universal community
service concerning new communication and information services
Rec (99) 1 on measures to promote
media pluralism
Rec (97) 21 on the media and the
promotion of a culture of tolerance
Rec (97) 20 on "hate speech"
Rec (97) 19 on the portrayal of
violence in the electronic media
Rec (96) 10 on the guarantee of the
independence of public service broadcasting
Rec (96) 4 on the protection of
journalists in situations of conflict and tension
Rec (95) 13 concerning problems of
criminal procedural law connected with information technology
Rec (95) 1 on measures against sound
and audio-visual piracy
Rec (94) 13 on measures to promote
media transparency
Rec (94) 3 on the promotion of
education and awareness in the area of copyright and neighbouring
rights concerning creativity
Rec (93) 5 containing principles
aimed at promoting the distribution and broadcasting of audio-visual
works originated in countries or regions with a low audio-visual output
or a limited geographic or linguistic coverage on the European
television markets
Recommendation No. R (92) 19 on
video games with a racist content
Recommendation No. R (92) 15
concerning teaching, research and training in the field of law and
information technology
Recommendation No. R (91) 14
on the legal protection of encrypted television services
Recommendation No. R (91) 5 on
the right to short reporting on major events where exclusive rights for
their television broadcast have been acquired in a transfrontier context
Recommendation No. R (90) 11
on principles relating to copyright law questions in the field of
Recommendation No. R (90) 10 on
cinema for children and adolescents
Recommendation No. R (89) 7
concerning principles on the distribution of videograms having a
violent, brutal or pornographic content
Recommendation No. R (88) 2 on
measures to combat piracy in the field of copyright and neighbouring
Recommendation No. R (88) 1 on sound
and audiovisual private copying
Recommendation No. R (87) 7 on film
distribution in Europe
Recommendation No. R (86) 14 on the
drawing up of strategies to combat smoking, alcohol and drug dependence
in co-operation with opinion-makers and the media
Recommendation No. R (86) 3 on the
promotion of audio-visual production in Europe
Recommendation No. R (86) 2 on
principles relating to copyright law questions in the field of
television by satellite and cable
Recommendation No. R (85) 8 on the
conservation of the European film heritage
Recommendation No. R (84) 22 on the
use of satellite capacity for television and sound radio
Recommendation No. R (84) 17 on
equalitN- betw-een vt-omen and men in the media
Recommendation No. R (84) 3 on
principles on television advertising
Recommendation No. R (81) 19 on the
access to information held byy public authorities
Declarations of the Committee of
Declaration on cultural diversity
adopted on 7 December 2000
Declaration on the exploitation of
protected radio and television productions held in the archives of
broadcasting organisations adopted on 9 September 1999
Declaration on a European policv for
ne« information technologies adopted on 7 Mavv 1999
Declaration _on the protection of
journalists in situations of conflict and tension adopted on 3 Mav 1996
Declaration on neighbouring rights
adopted on 17 Februar- 1994
Declaration on freedom of expression
and Information adopted on 29 April 1982
Resolutions of the Committee of
Resolution (74) 43 on press
Resolution (74) 26 on the right of
reply - position of the individual in relation to the press
Resolution (67) 13 on the press and
the protection of youth
Resolution (61) 23 on the exchange
of television programmes